Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 2: Oh, the People You Meet

Portland's ReBuilding Center is filled with a wild cast of characters from different economic backgrounds and cultures.  The cast includes people from as close as San Francisco to as far as Mississippi.  Being greeted by Ella Rose, our Mississippi representative, is a thoroughly entertaining experience.  Growing up with nine brothers and sisters, she has many stories to tell.  From being left in Colorado on their move north, to working 72 jobs in the city of Portland, her life experiences are one of a kind. 

Ella Rose had never heard of recycling until she moved to Portland in 1970, but after spending the last 40 years in the city she has jumped on board with the green movement.  She emphatically informed us that this city, this culture, has changed her life.  She is as much a part of the new ReBuilding Center as the warehouse itself.  Having been hired when the center opened as a greeter and cashier, she has accumulated a vast breadth of knowledge to become an expert in the field.  We watched her as she conversed with customers, priced their purchases, and cut deals with little prompting.  People like Ella Rose bring the ReBuilding Center to life.

Rosie, the volunteer coordinator and our personal guide, is another of these characters.  Entering the AmeriCorps after graduating from San Francisco State is her latest adventure.  She's on an 11-month journey from her hometown of Sacramento to experience the culture of Portland. Her goals are to raise awareness about the importance of community relationships and working towards a sustainable future. Her laid back yet assertive personality keeps the center running smoothly.  She doesn't know exactly what her future plans are, but hopes to remain in non-profit organizations.

Ella Rose and Rosie are only two of the many hard working individuals with their own unique personalities that keep the ReBulding Center running efficiently.
Thomas separating and organizing moulding and trim

Casey measuring door dimensions
A charging station in the middle of downtown Portland
The group at Mills End Park-World's Smallest Park

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